Premium PC Building and Electronics Repair Tools

(but they're really good at just about anything)


Ratcheting Multi-bit

The ultimate PC building tool.
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Best for PC building & general
household use
Fits 1/4" screwdriver bits

Ratcheting Multi-bit
Stubby Screwdriver

For tighter spaces.
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Best for PC building & general
household use
Fits 1/4" screwdriver bits

Precision Multi-bit

The ultimate precision repair/upgrade tool.
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Best for laptops, consoles, smartphones,
and other small electronics
Fits 4mm screwdriver bits


Get the most out of your tools!


Every feature obsessed over.

See why it took 3 years for us to develop our Ratcheting Multi-bit Screwdriver

Click to play our vlog about the development of the Ratcheting Multibit Screwdriver

What is the internet saying about our tools?

A word from the engineers behind our tools

Kyle Tharratt

Product Designer, Ratcheting Multi-bit Screwdriver

Linus had one goal: make the best ratcheting screwdriver possible.  While there will always be room for improvement, we believe we have come close to that goal. From its ultralow back drag ratchet to its elegant bit storage, if you are in the market for a screwdriver, look no further. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Tynan Stack

Product Designer, Ratcheting Multi-bit Screwdriver

The development process for the LTT Screwdriver involved a ton of small design adjustments, physical testing, mechanical robustness testing (throwing it into a concrete wall) and doing it again! It was a continuous learning process of mechanism design coupled with tight requirements from Linus around the final product!

Robert Lau

Product Designer, Ratcheting Multi-bit Stubby Screwdriver

Designing the stubby ratcheting driver was an interesting challenge given the excellent fit and finish of our full sized driver. We think we've hit the perfect balance between capability, comfort, and space efficiency by keeping some convenient on-board bit storage and fitting the same great feeling ratchet mechanism from our full size driver into a compact 100mm long form factor. Trust me bro, you'll love it.

Sebastien Sauve-Hoover

Product Designer, Precision Multi-bit Screwdriver

As the driver took shape, we fell in love with the features that bring it above and beyond a simple driver. From the satisfying magnetic action of our internal bit storage, seeing how ridiculously long you can spin the end cap for, and to the snap removal of the magnetic parts tray.  We hope you enjoy the marriage of functionality and fun. (cause you can’t spell functionality without fun)

A disheveled Linus consulting the team about production